I keep my books right beside my bed. I never know when I might be an Edward fix ;)

On the weekend I got the director's notebook. I got the Team Edward key chain for Christmas

I even got myself a Twilight T-shirt!

But the best thing of all, are all these. I'm going to do something extra special with these. Stay tuned

First I was gonna say a giveaway... then realized, T-shirt quilt!! :)
I have the books sitting on my nightstand. After all the hype I am finally going to see what the heck is with these books!
Watched the movie tonight... just don't get it! Maybe the books are better?
No stinkin' way!!! You're going to make a ROCKtastic Twilight T-shirt quilt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're are too brilliant or in other words....too Rocktastic for your own good!!!
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